Wednesday 18 July 2012

At last - my second lens on squidoo

Well this has taken a long time - well over a year in fact. So what happened? Well I wrote my first lens and um, sort of forgot about it. Then I had an email telling me that I had earned a tiny bit of commission (less than  $2 infact) but this got me thinking again about trying this online thingy again. So I started my second lens about Taking Kids to Festivals and wrote about mine and my friend's experiences over the years.

Notice that when you arrive the squidoo url is actually 'music-festival-camping-with-kids'. This is was the original title of the lens but I decided that this was a bit of a rubbish title so I changed the primary link to Taking Kids to Festivals as it seemed like a more natural search term. Anyway, enjoy and feel free to add any comments.

Cheers, Ana