Thursday, 17 March 2011

So What Have I Done So Far?

I suppose a more prudent question and one which is easier to answer would be "What have I NOT done?" That's easy. I have NOT spent a single penny on e-books, reports or anything else that claims that I can make money by buying their product. There is so much free stuff out there, it seems a bit daft for somebody who has no money to risk to, well, risk it.  Maybe this IS the way that they make money but for now at least I am open to more ideas.

One thing I've learned is that I am going to have to do a lot of writing. That's a good start. I love writing. I found Squidoo which is an online publishing platform to share about the things that you are passionate about. Articles submitted are called lenses.You can use this to place something called affiliate links within your content to generate an income. If you've never heard of Squidoo here's the page that tells you all about it: Getting Started With Squidoo

Of course, Squidoo has many lenses written about "how to make money online" but my first lens was about a book that I loved when I was a child: The Magic Faraway Tree by Enid Blyton which was my first proper venture into online publishing. Apparently this is an area I need to look into....



Hi and thanks for stopping by.

I'm Anaphase and this is my tentative toe-dip into the world of blogging. I intend to use it primarily to tell you about how I am hoping to use the online world to try and earn some money.

I'm very skeptical about this possibility. I've spent years and years looking at it in depth and find it very hard to believe anybody is actually achieving all of their wonderful claims.

I'll keep you posted about steps I am taking and if they are working or not.